Cold Weather Management for Concrete Pavers

Course Description: Cold weather management and maintenance is a common concern. Over the last few years, the demand for better cold weather management has elevated the use of radiant heat systems. Unfortunately, there are a few common misconceptions on how to properly design radiant heat systems to be compatible with segmental concrete pavers. In addition, there has been an increase in available de-icing chemicals for reducing winter slippage. Some de-icing chemicals are unsafe for concrete and/or plant material. In many cases, snow plowing is the most common way to manage snowfall. There are some best practices for protecting concrete pavers for longevity. This presentation will cover these three main ways of managing cold weather issues.

Delivery Method: Live

Internal Course Code: CLDMGT24

Duration: 1h

HSW Compatible: Yes

Point of Contact Name: Unilock

Point of Contact Email:

Tags: paver cold_weather maintenance

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