Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavers 2.0

Course Description: Building off the concepts put forth from the introduction to permeable pavers, this presentation delves a bit further into the proper specifications, details and techniques to create a successful permeable interlocking concrete paver project. Taking a look at the requirements for the different components will allow designers to be sure that proper materials and techniques are being implemented during construction and installation. This presentation also provides lessons learned and tips on what to look out for with a few tips form the field. Lastly this presentation covers the best practices for winter maintenance as well as long term maintenance solutions. Maintenance is a critical aspect for long term success. Understanding how best to take care of the system will allow designers and owners to be sure that these systems stay in good working order as intended for the life of the project.

Delivery Method: Live

Internal Course Code: PERMPAV2

Duration: 1h

HSW Compatible: Yes

Point of Contact Name: Unilock

Point of Contact Email:

Tags: amenity_space paver traditional_paver permeable roof_deck

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